SAD NEWS: As Patrick Mahomes divorced his wife due to……….

In the dimly lit owner’s room, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones is dancing with 31-year-old model and actress Kate Bosworth. Laughing as they momentarily brush against one another, they walk their feet up the suite’s upper staircase with their hands intertwined. With his passion, Jones more than makes up for any lack of rhythm. Bosworth sashays in her black cocktail dress, her back to the action. Jones, wearing a salmon-colored shirt and a black suit, looks over her right shoulder at the oval stage with an asymmetrical smile. A few feet away, Tony Romo and Jason Witten, two Cowboys veterans, are stealing looks at this unlikely pair’s uneven two-step. Strait ends the song with Jones leading Bosworth in a mini-twirl that turns into a hit-and-run half-hug. It seems as innocent as 71-year-old Jones can make anything seem.


After replying, “Wow, this is amazing — thank you, Mr. Jones,” Bosworth races back down the suite’s stairs to meet her husband. Holding a tall plastic cup with the iconic Cowboys star on it, Jones winks as he fills it with his favorite summertime libation, Johnnie Walker Blue Label (always on ice), and takes a sip of the smokey, mellow whiskey.

Jones’ farewell dance caps off the glitzy, chaotic celebration of the $1.25 billion pleasure palace he built for his awful football club. With calligraphy name cards, a barbecue buffet, and an open bar, Jones’ star-studded music party—hosted inside the owner’s spacious suite—has all the makings of a corporate retreat, but it swiftly devolves into a square dance in a barnyard.

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